Translated by: Patricia Ryan (Linkedin)
A group of experts, parliamentarians and businessmen from electro mobility sector met together in a new association with the purpose of participating in the public policies and the private sector to accelerate the transition towards a sustainable mobility in Ecuador.
At a virtual meeting, it was defined that former Ministry of Electricity and Renewable Energies, Esteban Albornoz, today representative by province of Azuay, be the leader, in favour of the implementation of Energy Efficiency Organic Law in force as from March 19, 2019.
En marco de la primera sesión de la Asociación Ecuatoriana de Movilidad Eléctrica y Sostenible se eligió por unanimidad a @ealbornozv como su presidente. #ElectroMovilidad #MovilidadSostenible #Ecuador
— ASECMOVEL (@asecmovel) January 8, 2021
Regarding its implementation, Albornoz declared to Portal Movilidad, the importance of achieving at short run. “Technicians are enthusiast with its elaboration and we are going on fighting from the legislative field to make this happen. Not to have it means obstacles”, said the legislator.
The entity is created with an expectation of electric mobility growth in the country. In November, through Resolution 018/2020 the Board of Directors of Regulation and Control of Energy and Non Renewable Natural Resources defined the technical and contractual conditions for the underwriting of supply agreement among distributors of electric energy and charging stations for electric vehicles.
On the other hand, Ecuador will increase the funding available for investment of the private sector in the sustainable electric transport with a Conditional Credit Line for Investment Project of US$43 million, and a first credit under this credit line of US$33 million approved by BID (Banco Interamerican de Desarrollo – Inter American Development Bank).
Translated by: Patricia Ryan (Linkedin)
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Translated by: Patricia Ryan