Europa | Europe
lunes 09 de mayo de 2022
Semiconductor companies take position on new PERTE and present their proposals
Danny Moreno, president of the Spanish Semiconductor Industry Association and CEO of Wiyo, tells Portal Movilidad España what the sector's expectations are regarding the new strategic project.
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Last April, President Pedro Sánchez announced for the first time the creation of the PERTE for microchips and semiconductors, which will allocate 11 billion euros to attract investment in the manufacturing and development of related technologies.

This announcement generated great expectation in the sector and set the associations to work on contributions to the initiative.

It is in this sense that the Spanish Semiconductor Industry Association takes a stance and expresses through Portal Movilidad España its position on the matter.

«We hope that the approved PERTE will drive and involve all the actors of the industrial ecosystem of semiconductors that make life in Spain», says Danny Moreno, president of AESEMI and CEO of Wiyo.

According to him, only in this way will it be possible to define and prioritise the allocation and execution of the specific objectives necessary to meet the main objective of achieving autonomy within the industrial fabric from this economically strategic block.

In line with the automotive sector’s move towards electrification, he notes that the components that make up these new technologies must meet the needs of tomorrow, and this is what they are working on.

Therefore, the representative says: «Spain, a major player in the global automotive area and must be able to promote the digital transformation of the sector, through contributions at the microelectronic level».

All of this will end up positioning Europe as an important reference in design and innovation, at a local level and looking towards the rest of the world.

More than 50 objectives

With regard to the project, Moreno states that the government will be able to rely on the specialised sector that it represents, both public and private, for effective decision-making that will have a direct impact on positive economic results for the country.

Thus, after the launch of the first public consultation on 29 March, the Spanish Semiconductor Industry Association presented more than 50 objectives.

Of these, the focus is on effective diversification and joint efforts by all companies, regardless of whether they are SMEs or large companies.

«We have received a great deal of receptiveness from both the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Telecommunications, with whom we have meetings scheduled for this May», he says.

The intention is none other than to offer the necessary support when it comes to making effective decisions with a positive economic and social impact.

In addition, the CEO highlights the fact that this support has a high density of experience and technical-strategic vision of the semiconductor sector.

«This should be an opportunity to boost the sector and all the companies that make it up, many of them fabless, research and technological innovation centres,» said Danny Moreno.

In a joint effort, they all show that they have the potential to provide large shares, which traditionally could only be obtained through suppliers located outside Spain.

Today, the sector has already evolved to the point where it can count on the means to contribute first-hand to the growth and positioning of national and continental technological reference with export quality.


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